Monthly Archives: December 2019

The Point

In case you didn’t catch this, here’s the point of the season –
The human race is so corrupt, so hopeless, so depraved –
Every single soul ever born carries within an incurable disease called sin,
It can’t be cured by the state, by will-power, by education, by wealth, by medicine, by giving, by receiving, by acting better…
The proof is death, which comes for Republicans, Democrats independents, conservatives, liberals, Jews,Gentiles, rich and poor –
Every single political system failed
Every single religious system failed,
Every single philosophical system failed,
Every single self-help campaign failed,
Every economic system failed
Every system of law and order failed
– yes, even the perfect one given by God himself
The disease is so entangled through every cell of the human body, and every part of the human soul,
The rot is complete. Death comes for all.
All have sinned
All are subject to death
Nothing we do can fix it.
It is so hopeless that the only cure is God himself coming to earth in the womb of the virgin, Mary…
Not the seed of the corrupt race of men,
But the miraculous seed of the woman by the power of the Holy Spirit
He became flesh, so that we might live.
He was given a body for the purpose of dying a cruel death
He was given hands to stretch out on a cross
Feet to take the nails
A side to take the spear
A forehead to take the thorns
He took a body in order to lay it down as a perfect sacrifice for sin, that we might have eternal life.
The lips that suckled Mary’s breast were slapped by the soldiers
The face that Joseph kissed was spat on
The hands that grasped Mary’s fingers was bound to the pillar and the body was scourged
He was poor, so that we might be rich
He was despised, so that we might be loved
He was broken, so that we might be healed.
And then he was raised, that we might be justified.
When you begin to place your trust in your goodness
When you begin to think that some kind of political process will fix this
When you think that modern medicine will hold the cure for death,
Take a look again at who is lying in the manger.
The disease is so incurable that the only hope is the Word of God made flesh
It is the only hope.
It was the only hope in Augustine’s Rome; it is the only hope today.
It will be the only hope tomorrow.
Do you see the love of God? Look at the manger.
That’s the point. Don’t miss it.


Filed under Christmas, Uncategorized

Here comes the sun

  2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.(Malachi 4:2)

This earth seems very dark indeed at times. The power and the ugliness of sin corrupts and rots the heart.

The oppression of the strong against the weak – the relentless assaults of the world, the flesh and the devil…

And the despair…does anyone care? Is anyone listening? Will this pain every end?

Will I ever get well? Will my friend talk to me again? Am I as ugly, unwanted and shameful as I so often feel in my heart?

Some wounds don’t ever seem to heal. Words are thrown about that cut to the heart. Parents let their kids know that they are unwanted, ugly, unclean. Spouses telling the ones they once vowed to love that they hate them. “You’re so stupid. You are worthless. If I threw you out, no one would have you…”

But we were created in honor. A little lower than the angels, crowned with glory! We were given dominion and the wonderful blessing of fruitfulness and life and love and unity: Be fruitful and multiply!

Sexuality was God’s way of delight and joy and spreading his kingdom throughout the world.

And how ugly it became! Instead of joy, now there is shame and guilt and pain. Heartache and loneliness. Anger, oppression.

It is an ugly, dark world and it so very often seems like the darkness will never end.

But Malachi describes the coming gospel – the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing.

Here comes the sun, and I say it’s alright. With apologies to the Beetles.

Malachi was going for true light though, not wishful thinking. He wasn’t thinking of dreams of air, but the gospel of Christ. He had in mind the word of God made flesh and pouring out his life as an offering for sin.

All of your sin and guilt and shame was nailed to the cross, and instead of the curse you are restored to glory and honor in him. Here comes the sun!

And when the gospel is proclaimed and believed, it is as if the clouds have broken open, the first glimpse of the glorious day is seen from afar and we know…


Here comes the sun. The Sun of righteousness is coming, and healing is coming with him. We know that because we have already glimpsed it. There is already hope there; we see the beginnings of a new life; a new way of thinking. So we can endure the remainder of the night, for the Sun is coming!

So let’s quit walking in darkness. Let’s quit walking as dead men who have no light, stumbling over the obstacles as blind men.

Awake, you who sleep, and Christ will give you light.

Healing is coming, dear ones! The broken heart will heal. The body will heal. The words that tore your soul will heal. Your tears will be wiped away. The scars will be wiped away. The soul will be restored, new and whole and light as air, freed from the muck and mire of sin and shame, filled with goodness and righteousness and truth.

And the filth that festers and grows in darkness will be flushed away when the Sun arises.

And we will walk again. We will rise up with new wings as eagles, filled with the Spirit of Christ, pure again with beauty and glory and honor!

Take heart, dear ones. Here comes the Sun!


Filed under Gospel, Hope, Light